Monday, March 28, 2011

The ever growing collection!

While it hasn't been long since I last Posted the number of Tamagotchis I had, the number has grown in leaps and bounds! At the moment I have more than 200 Virtual pets in my collection, with the number growing by about 10 units per fortnight. Most of this I get from eBay which lets me get many more, of different varieties, for much cheaper than if I were to buy them retail.

I sware my neighbours think I'm doing something illegal with all the suspicious overseas packages arriving every other day!

Some of my most notable recent acquisitions were the holy grail of most collectors the bandai "Devilgotchi". For a while there it was impossible to find, with one cropping up on ebay every few months and they were snapped up in minutes! Most recently there is a spate of sellers on eBay. Ive spotted 5 in the last three months, and if i had the cash I would have bought them all, But alas, I must settle for the one I have for now.

I also purchased a Arukotchi pedometer pet, but due to recent tragic events in Japan I am unsure of if I will ever get that one. :(

I also go to a local retro toy dealer, a little more expensive than ebay but for the convenience of being able to pay cash and have the unit in my hot little hand immediately is worth the couple of extra dollars.

Another recent purchase is I bought 2 Tamagotchi Connections from Canada (eh?). As here in Australia we only have the Tamagotchi Connexion available, it was cool to be able to get these. While most people don't know the difference, the US and Canada Connection units are different in a few ways, but the difference I was most interested in was the Connection has the Debug option.

For those who are unfamiliar with Debug or Debugging, this is the process of modifying your tamagotchi by opening it up and tinkering with the circut board in such a way that that the "junk" programming left over from the early stages of the Connections production become available and playable. Sounds awesome but the downside is that if its not done right you can fry the board and make is unusable, this is why i have purposly left out the instructions ( I dont want the blame for people cooking their tamagotchis). Plenty of good instructions and demo videos can be found on the web.

Anyway I managed to get my tinker on and now have a debugged tamagotchi. Its pretty cool as i picked an adult character to start with, which means I could have it with me at work and it wasn't as demanding as if had started it from the baby stage. I will have to buy a few of the other debuggable versions and have a bit of fun with them .

Within the next week or so I plan to review one of the many Giga pets variety of pets, which will be interesting as it will be my first review of an American made pet and the Devilgotch (or Devilgotchi) and maybe do a comparison between the Angelgotch and the Devilgotch!

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